Sunday, February 13, 2011

Go Fish!

Miss Bowser loves to eat.
We feed her well, but she will beg for food all day long, acting as if we starve her.
She flails her little arms around, dives up and down, splashes water and starts smacking her mouth.  She has us trained very well.  All she has to do is beg and we instantly reach for a can of food.
She can even differentiate between regular food and treats.  You can hold the two cans up and she will only follow the one that has treats in it.
Anyway, when we first got her we bought some rosy red minnows for her to chase around in the tank and have as a fun snack.  Well, she's a bit lazy and figured  "These fish swim way too fast!  Why do the work when I can just beg and have food dropped right in front of me?"
Those fish stayed in the tank with her for over a month until we decided to get rid of them.
Fast forward to last month, we wanted to give it another try and this time purchased some shiners.
She devoured them all within minutes. O_O   Talk about one full turtle!
Since that was her reaction, we agreed to only feed her those as rare treats, once a month at the most since she's becoming a little porker.
We got some more shiners yesterday as a Valentine's Day treat (hey, we were all stuffing our faces with chocolates!)
These fish were slightly smaller than the ones we got before, and they were faster.
It took her a little while to catch the first one, but one she got the taste of fish she was a turtle on a mission!
She ate three more pretty quickly, and the last one was hiding stealthily behind the filter hose.
Bowser gave up on getting that one and went up on her dock to bask and digest her wonderful feast.
She didn't forget about the ninja was no match for a ninja turtle!  She finally caught it for a lovely dessert.
Here's a video of her catching the first fish:

On the prowl!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

This is the life!

While the temperature outside is currently 25°F, Miss Bowser is oblivious to it and living the good life.
Thanks to her underwater heater the water temperature is a comfortable 80°F and she has been doing a lot of basking under the heat lamp.

Ah, so nice and comfy. :-)

Although she is getting the heat and UVB that she needs, I cannot wait until the weather warms up enough to take her outside for natural sunlight.  She really needs to shed her scutes and natural sunlight could help.